Friday, 1 March 2013

How do I sell someone's products?

Okay you really want do something worth while for your family and yourself.  Firms that are resisting the technological advances are literally closing their doors having laid your family members off.  If not now then soon.  What are you going to do besides throw your hands up in the air and wail in misery?  And yet you still here that so and so is related to that internet marketing millionaire.  Would it not be lovely if!

Start by Following these steps.

When you are selling e~commerce affiliate products there are several preliminary steps to do besides following these six steps about sharing with your friends.  There are many Affiliate Marketing tips that can be shared on different forums and communities.  Participating in places where you can not only learn but share what you have found is really inmportant as well.

  •  log into your Strong Futures International account.  If not a member then here is my gateways link for you to try out. What else have you to loose other than a free opportunity?
  • set up your payment  option via your TripleClicks payment options
    • just open your TripleClicks site up and copy and paste the following to obtain the correct options for you and your country 
      • Not a member try this link and see for yourself.  Make a comment at the bottom of this post please to let us know how you went.
  • have you set up your standing order yet?  This removes some of the 'pressure' you think you are under.
Stop here for a second.  What you see with this link is a page that has various boxes displayed - either changing or static in their display.  Within these boxes are :
  • Deals of the day which is a static display for the day.
  • Local Life -e`commerce affiliate [ECA] products near you.  Great to shop local and have pick up options happening.
Then you have

  • Hot Deals
  • Close outs 
  • Newly Added
  • And a line of boxes under the 'Feactures ECA products'.
As a viewer or an affiliate marketer this first step is the same.

1) Choose an item you like.

2)  Click on a picture or the link underneath [ the blue underlined writing]

The page that comes up is divided into three.  
  • The left has a picture the cost and cart or share it buttons. 
  •  The right has a box with the ECA listing By: and a Connect with this ECA [ a box within a box]
  • Below these two sections are 
    • the details,
    • product review,
    • shipping 
    • and returns and refunds information
That is what you see but how do you 'sell' the products?  To start with follow these base steps.
  1. 1st step - the ECA box.  Connect with the retailer as this helps with the tracking code being in place 
    • later recorded with any sales in your [MY Acct/mySFI Business reports/TripleClick Sales Report]
  2. Now with the [Share It] button you can Facebook, Twitter and easily Pinterest the items.  Plus Email and copy the URL.
    • This is where many people just stop their creativity and hit buttons furiously flooding the market with products that cause others to unfollow, spam or blacklist your efforts.
  3. Rather than double up on information here ...For more details read 
I know that is post is long as well as relating to my affiliate marketing experiences where Yes I do make money.  But I am sharing these steps with you hopefully before you are in despair of not getting forward with your own finances.

A major thing to remember is that for every tracking code between you and your customer you do not get paid until the customer actually receives their goods.  It is a terrific business idea to ship out either insured or tracked parcels and thus there is a three way trust factor inbuilt into your delivery route pathway.

With Affiliate marketing no one wants to 'loose' their money.  And so these safe guards are their for all.

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