The newer Register and find out about SFI gateway. Or the gateway that I had sent to me.
Now for the Wave3 gateway and the "Song-of-the-Month" gateway as well.
A brief explanation for Wave3 is here on this link.
I have added an e-commerce affiliate gateway- basically for business to place their products and services online so that 500,000 affiliates can help sell the goods and thus gain a commission.
Hopefully you found this email alright.
- There is a lot of 'paper work' [ your one will turn up once you are registered hitting this link will then take you to your own affilaite profile page.]
- Please remember to whitelist the sfi and my email address.
- Your gateways will be found with this link
- And people you personally sponsor [ they followed a gateway link you sent out [ yip - maybe like this one]] will be found on what is called the genealogy.
- Go to the dark gray navigation bar and hit TripleClicks . Now three along the green navigation bar is the work Products. Hit that. Scroll down to Movies, Music and Games or hit this=
I admit there is a lot to absorb. But usually I am on hand. We can met at public libraries or Neighbourhood Houses and borrow their computers if this is convenient. Or if you want I can come with you an explain it hands on keyboard with some of your friends and acquaintances.
Did I mention that SFI is free to join. Also there are ways of not spending any money [easier spending a little though and a lot more fun] as you build your income up. Great tax deductions. ANd if you are on CLink you inform them you have a small hobby business going and every three months give them a run down on costs and income. This I can help guide you in the correct direction of as well [fringe benefit]. Thought I would add that in. Basically what this means is your telephone and internet, plus recording and travel expenses are tax deductions. So too is the accountant and bookkeepers at a later date.
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